The E Hayes Dashwood Foundation Accommodation for infirm ex-service people

A charitable trust for the provision of almshouse accommodation for ex-Service and
ex-Mercantile Marine personnel who suffer infirmity.

The Charity

The Foundation (registered charity no. 246460) owns 150 one, two and three bedroomed flats in Telferscot and Radbourne Roads, Balham. These are quiet, pleasant roads in an attractive residential area not far from Tooting Common and other amenities. View these flats

Flats For Guests

Up to 100 flats are currently made available to infirm ex-Service people (including the Merchant Marine) who are termed Guests of the Foundation and pay a subsidised maintenance charge for the accommodation. Find out further details here

All Guests must be capable of independent living. The Foundation does not provide any care services and there is no warden on the estate.

Leased Flats

The remaining 50 flats are either held on lease or let on the open market mainly on Assured Shorthold Tenancies. No charitable aspect applies to these lettings. More about leased flats

Rental income and grants from other ex-Service charities are used to maintain the Estate to a high standard and carry out long-term improvement works.